What I liked in Julius AI?

What is Julius AI?

Julius AI is a conversational-style AI assistant that allows users to analyze their data through natural language prompts. It supports various file formats like spreadsheets and a few databases and provides insights via a chat interface.

Website: https://julius.ai

How did the test go?

  1. I uploaded a sample CRM set of an IT Services company, and Julius promptly displayed the Dataframe Head (Sample Set) and a GPT4-generated dataset description. A good start.

    Complexity Rating: 1 (out of 5)
    Utility Rating: 3 (out of 5)
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  1. The platform suggests analysis prompts to get started. This is something we built in NeoAnalyst.ai, too. So, a lot of us are thinking alike. This is still a low-complexity work as a decent prompt will ensure that GPT4 does the heavy lifting. GPT4 is actually pretty good at this.

    Complexity Rating: 2 (out of 5)
    Utility Rating: 5 (out of 5)
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  1. I liked the detailed explanation. In a neat UI. And concise. The best part is it suggests what I could probably do from here on. But it is still a chance suggestion without necessarily simulating other suggested options.

    Complexity Rating: 2 (out of 5)
    Utility Rating: 3 (out of 5)
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  1. The charts are underwhelming. More on ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis (previously known as Code Interpreter) style. Infact, probably the same chart library is used.

    Complexity Rating: 3 (out of 5)
    Utility Rating: 3 (out of 5)
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  1. Share feature is good. But sharing the whole chat set is probably useful for analysts rather than business users. We have something similar at NeoAnalyst.ai, but only the result set could be shared.

    Complexity Rating: 2 (out of 5)
    Utility Rating: 3 (out of 5)
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  1. OMG. What happened here? I could ask anything other than the analysis. This to me was a bummer.
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Will I pay for a product like Julius AI?

Probably not yet. ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis pretty much could do all the above. But Julius does have some database integrations. If more integrations are available (like Akkio), then there could be a reason to buy. Still skeptical about the ‘chat’ model of analysis.

At NeoAnalyst.ai, we follow more of a PowerBI type of user interface to help users just focus on results and analysis rather than typing. With ChatGPT, Claude and other Chat LLMS, there’s just too much typing going around.

KUDOS to Julius folks for building an easy-to-use product.

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